These instructions are intended to help a parent who is joining a Microsoft Teams invitation without using a Trinity account. Itinerant music teachers are arranging some music lessons by inviting a parent to the Teams meeting.
This video outlines the process:
Here are the steps of the process:
- Check your email for the Teams meeting invite (e.g. a music lesson)
- Click on the link at the bottom of the email saying 'Join Microsoft Teams Meeting'.
A web page will open. Click on the button marked 'Join on the web instead'.
- The meeting will open in a web-based version of Microsoft Teams.
- Your browser will then ask you to use your webcam and microphone, so be sure to accept both requests. This ensures you’ll be seen and heard during the meeting.
- Choose your audio and video settings. You can toggle your microphone or webcam on or off. You also can choose a different device for audio, if needed, such as an external microphone. Once you’re ready, enter your name and then you can click the purple 'Join now' button.
- You will now be in the meeting lobby. The meeting organiser will be notified, and they need to admit you. If you are not admitted within 15 minutes of joining, you will need to follow the join process again.