If sports practice is cancelled due to wet weather or high temperatures, students and parents will be notified where possible by 2.30pm by Twitter and/or Trinity Connect.
Given that sport matches is generally completed in the morning we rarely have to implement the procedures for the policy below. It is more likely when we have afternoon training.
On the day of the competition and/or event Heat:
(i) At 31C (ambient temperature) Directors of Sport, Sport Coordinators and Coaches must consider and implement where appropriate management procedures consistent with the advice provided in Appendix 1 which will attempt to ensure that environmental and risk factors relevant to heat stress are minimised.
(ii) Once the ambient temperature is 36C or above, then the competition or training must be suspended (pool venues excluded). If the temperature does not fall below 36C during the subsequent 30 minute period then the competition or training must be cancelled.
Official BOM Sites for Trinity Sport
Bulleen – Viewbank
Kew – Melbourne Park
Others: See Policy in Full: Adverse-Weather-Policy-1.pdf